Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ना जाने उप्पेर वाले के मन में क्या आई, जो ये उसने ये हसीनाए बनाई,

जैसे ही मैंने सुना है farewell है होने वाली,
सोचा क्यूँ ना कुछ कहा जाए फिर से,
पर मैं घबरा गया कुछ सोचकर ,
मुझे 5 sep की याद आई,
सोचा सचिन जैन अब स्तागे पर गए तो होगी पिटाई ,
सेंदालो के साथ साथ लात घूंसों से भी होगी धुनाई,
फिर भी मैंने अपने दिल को कुछ हिम्मत बंधाई,
और कुछ लिखने के लिए हमने कलम उठाई,
सोचा अब तक जो लिखा उस पर मिली है गालिया,
चलो कुछ ऐसा लिखते है, शायद मिल जाए कुछ तालियाँ,

सोचते सोचते ख्याल आया,

ना जाने उप्पेर वाले के मन में क्या आई,
जो ये उसने ये हसीनाए बनाई,
ना सोचा उसने यारों इन फिजाओं का,
जो ये खूबसूरत बलाए बना डाली,
ना रहम आया यारो देखो उस्सको इन घटाओं पर,
जो उस्सने ये काली झुल्फे बना डाली,

ना सोचा यारों उस्सने इन फूलो के बारे में,
जो उसने गुलाब से सुन्दर चेहरे बना डाले,
ना आया याद उस्सको यारों चाचाहना चिड़ियों का,
जो उस्सने इनकी मुस्कराहट बना डाली,
ना ही रहम आया उसको इन जवान कलियों पर,
जो उस्सने मार डाले ऐसी कातिल अदाएं बना डाली,
जमी पर था सबसे गहरा समुन्द्र लेकिन मेरे यारो ,
उस्सने समुद्र से गहरी इनकी आँखे बना डाली,
जहाँ में मशहूर थी नजाकत फूल कलियों की,
यहाँ भी उसने होठो में अजब नजाकत दिखलाई,
महकती थी ये हवा कभी मदमस्त होकर,
पर अब जहाँ ये आँचल फैलाएं वही पर खुशबु फैला दे,
चाँद को भी दाग देकर दिया धोखा,
जो जमीं पर चाँद से भी खोबसूरत चेहरे बना डाले,
ना फरक पड़ता था पत्थरों को सूरज की गर्मी से,
पर इनकी आग ने बहुत से पत्थर दिल पिघला डाले,
लगता है बनने को धरती स्वर्ग से सुन्दर,
उसने ये फूल कलियों, फिजाओं से भी सुंदर हसिनाए बना डाली,
ना जाने उप्पेर वाले के मन में क्या आई,
जो ये उसने ये हसीनाए बनाई,

घटाओं से निकलती थी बिजली कभी कभी मेर यारों,
ये जिसको नजर भर देख ले वोही पे बिजली गिर जाए,
कहते है किस्मत से मिल जाता है ताज कुछ लोगो को,
पर इनकी शरारतों ने ना जाने कितने ताज chinwane ,
गवाह है इतिहास इस बात का सदियों से मेरे यारो,
हर लड़ाई में ये हसिनाए सबसे बड़ा कारण कहलाई,

aaj tak maine dekho sach bolaa to hameshaa mili gaaliyaan
aaj dekho kitnaa jhoot bola aur sab ladkiyaan bajaa rahi hai taaliyaan

दोस्तों आज सुनो तुम भी एक बात

दोस्तों आज सुनो तुम भी एक बात
मुझ पर पड़ी है वक़्त की मार,
क्योंकि ये सहा मैंने खुद भी,
इससलिए आपको बताते हैं
बचपन की बात, पंडित जी बैढे है मेरे साथ,
मौसम भी है मस्त उनके हाथ में मेरा हस्त,
हस्त देखकर बोले,म मुह से कुछ मीदे बोल फैंके,
बोले तुम्हारे रहेगा हमेशा महफ़िलों में नाम,
सुनकर हो गया मैं बहुत हैरान,
सोचे पंडित जी कह रहे है तो शायद सच ही होगा,
पर हुआ कुछ यूँ दोस्तों की,
हम नाम वाली महफ़िलो के कभी सुरमा ना बन सके,
पर नाम वाली महफ़िलो के लोगो ने रखा हमारा नाम बदनाम

पहला काम शायद जिसने किया हमें बदनाम,
मैं लोगो से कहता था कुछ बढ़िया, सबको लगता बेकार की पुडिया,
लोग मुझसे जल्दी उकताते पर बेचारे जबरदस्ती मुस्काते,

एक और काम जिसने किया हमें बहुत बदनाम,
शायद लोगो को अपनी तारीफ है पसंद आती,
और झूदी तारीफ करनी हमको नहीं आती,

कुछ को मेरी आदत पसंद नहीं आती,
कुछ को सच्चाई बिल्ल्कुल नहीं भाति,
एक और बात जो आपको बतानी है,
मुझे नहीं मिली है अभी तक सफलता की पुडिया,
इससलिए डर लगता है लाने को जीवन में गुडिया,

और भी ऐसे बहुत है काम है जिसने किया मुझे बदनाम,
लेकिन तुम्हारे पास होंगे बहुत से काम,और हम तो ठहरे बदनाम,

कल तुम सब कुछ बन जाओगे, जीवन में बहुत सफलताक पाओगे,
कुछ हमारी ये कहानी याद रखोगे, कुछ भूल जाएंगे,
जो याद रखेंगे वो अपने बच्चो को हमारी कहानी सुनाएंगे,
हमारे साथ था एक इंसान पर जो था बदनाम,
करता हमशा ऐसा काम की था बहुत बदनाम,

कोशिश करेंगे हम की हो जाए अब इस दुनिया में बदनाम
शायद इसी तरह रह जाए इस दुनिया में अपना नाम........":)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

8-Oct 2008

Today I will write something about the uptu starting. As i have mentioned before also that the year we joined is the first year started. So that time there were special exam to fill the seats. And our seemester started in month of October. And being a new university no body knows what is the university all about. What syllabus to read,how exam will come and other things.

Our seniors are from Ruhelkhand university so they did have any fear of exams. Thats what they say to us. And we people are enjoying our days. That time was the starting of the degrading of the colleges. We in PCCS had experienced faculty for all recognized institutes. But after the 2k bug killed the software industry people are not having jobs. So many people as fresher are coming in teaching. That was also the year when many new colleges are coming so senior faculty is having more opportunities. Many of the faculty left at that time from PCCS.

Do not remember much about the studies but remember some of the things, Like we had a old english teacher,we had some techer changed in the Electrical Engineering and at last got a freser for teaching.Maths we are taught by Dr. Sharad Agrwal and Dr. Gokhna(sorry if spelling is wrong). and something like that. At that time for all of us biggest panic was the Maths and Electrial Engineering.

Though those things were long time back so cound not remember all, so sequence may be break........

The biggest achivement of that time was that our senior organised CR election in class, and I participated in that and I got 6 votes and all from girls. One hostel person Anurag wins that and seriously speaking that I was a bt heart that time because I was doing so many things for the class and they were not recognizing that. These things happened and you learned.

Another incidenet which I remembered is the Getting 15 out of 15 marks in Electrical Engineering sessional when 4-5 person in class of 60 crosses 5 marks and could not reach 10. I became hero in the class, if fact in the CS section also. And after that everybody in class wants me to tech Electriacal and Maths to them, specially all girls :).

Another one is that there was another CR election in class for money collection for DREAMZ-2000, but this time I did some manuplation. This time Anurag did not want to participate and want to support me but a girl called Gunjan Chandna were there. So what I did was tell my people that start shouting when some senior come for CR. and do not give chance to Gunjan for even stand. The same thing happened. But I than realize that it was wrong so requested seniors that please make Gunjan also the part of that, for me it will be tough to manage money. But somehow this small incident was the just a start of our all college life fights. ha ha ha how foolish we all were at that time................

TO be continued............

Friday, September 19, 2008

Another page 19 September

There is much more in this story. It is just started, and yet I am not in the college :). There are many twist in the life when I just started. Somehow readers will not able to connect with these names because there is no background. But I will share these names with the story how I started because in later stage it will be easy to understand the character of some of these people.

When I started my college there were days of ragging in the classes. At our times we have dress code like boys used to wear normal pants ( no jeans and no trousers ) ,plain shirts ( light colors ) and short hair for boys. For girls it is mismatch Salwar,Kammej and Chunni ( means all three should be in Different colors) and 2 Choti with the ribbens (They all used to look like Jokers though we also look like the same but sometimes have the thought see these Bechari girls :) hota hai aisa sometimes when u are in trouble and u see someone in more trouble than u, ur trouble is less).

In class we used to have ragging classes in between classes, Senior used to come and usually there is Introduction only in the class. Most of the seniors take introduction of girls only. One more thing which was used to happen there was to search people from their city. There were much ragging scene in the hostel and we never know what they were.

I started some of my days in the uncle house and looking for the room mates. There were 2-3 enjoyable moments which I want to share with you. In the very starting I met a guy called Nitin Hundet, he belong to Jhansi. They got room nearby my uncle house and also it was around 300-400 meter from the college. I went to his room in the evening. There we had a talk about to live, he said that there maigh be some more people could come with them so iff nobody come than I might live with them. But there were something happened which I still remembered. Suddenly 3 or 4 seniors comes in that room and than I was ragged first time :). and I suddenly decide that I will not with these people and these Jhansi people specially.It happened in starting, when we are juniors than all senior look like the DEVIL.

Another Similar thing happen when me and another person Sarwarth were looking for the room. Some seniors invited us to their room and told that they will helped to find room. After some Introduction they were in the mood of the fun. We both had hobbies of playing chess and they decided that we should play the chess game and the person who will loose will be ragged and another one could leave. Somehow I win that game and he was ragged and story of living together closed there.

Another thing which happened is we were sitting in the class, A girl in white suit entered the class and come in front. Her name was Akshi Jain and as she come in front all class stand and wish her as if she is a senior, I thought she is a teacher :) seriously speaking i really thought that and told to the person sitting next to her.

One thing which make me known to my class people is that what I used to do is that I found a innovative idea to avoid ragging. What I used to do is I enter the class around 8.55 and go straight in the faculty room. See what are the lectures in the day, what are the labs etc and adjust the shedule of the classs with the faculty so that seniors will get less time to rag. I also used to sit in the first row of the class and try to listen what faculty says ( as I have mentioned before at that time I had only one aim to study ).

There were one more person named Surendra Chaudhri. To avoid ragging what we used to do is when I enter the college I do not wish to the seniors and move fast to my class and nobody stops because of the confidence and guesture i had. And in between the classes, lunch time I and Surindra used to come out of the college and go outside ( it is the benifit of having college inside the market :) ).

Initially, in class we were so feared of seniors and we do not get much time to talk with each other so the intraction was less. We only know the names of each other that also because of the so many times Introduction by seniors and teachers.

In some days i got some place to live with student of JSS. So i started without my college students. And also our classes were also started. We got some faculty change and also some new faculty for subject for Electrical Engineering.

There were one more person called TV ( tarun verma ) , he was so famous in the seniors that everyone used to talk about him. I never saw him because he is in CS branch. But somehow I got jellous with him and want to meet him also.

There were so many other things which happened there but there all were common and it might be waste of time for me to write these here.

Other thing which happend in the first year was DREAMZ-2000. It was first ever happened college fest of PCCS. It was totally controlled by the final year students and we had no say in that. TV was the person who was in almost all events like singing,dancing,skit,play,fashion show,mimicry and anything u name it you find him. There was one more person Amber Agrawal he also participated in many. Mostly hostel people were part of that and we were only viewer there. There were many things in that which can be improved and I do not have much talks in my class but had that time in my mind that we will make a much bigger fest sometime in our college life.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My College Life : 1st Semester

I always want to write something about my college life. It was fun, happening, interesting and most importantly there was learning, learning of life not the learning of Electronics :) . I am a bit busy now a days with the product we are coming with but yet decided that whenever I get some time will put some lines here......... May be I will able to write some of the most beautiful days of my life. I will be sharing everything here, everything means the truth of everything, Mostly I will be using real character but because in some places ( like love, hate,regret or some secrets I will not be using real names and will specify that there.I will be sharing some of my poetry here with you people which I wrote at times as per the situations. Hope you will like those.

You people might think what can be interesting in someone college life, It must be study or some events only. But guys I had every emotion of human in college. There were study,excitement,politics,respect,hate and many other things. It is not liek 5 point someone where writer added some of the massala to make a hit, I will be writing everything truth.......................... which i can remember, try to make it short but stil there are many events on which I can write pages............

Somehow i think that there are some moments which I shouldl hide, lets see how this writing goes and how much I will be able to write .................ha ha ha

Disclaimer : The thoughts which I will be putting here is true as per my belief and I do not want controversy for those. I am hero of this story so most of the places I will highlight myself in positive side so guys have to bear this :) Sorry can not help it........

Before College : It was also a interesting part, but will not bore you guys much.... I was also a 1 year dropout student preparing for IIT :) but could not get into IIT and end up in UPTU. Having a decent rank but not enough to get the govt college.....somehow I managed to get the oldest engineering college in North India i.e. Priyadarshini College Of Computer Sciences Noida..... Guys let me tell you the moment I was coming from counseling room the people start explaining about the PCCS, but than there is no option but to join the PCCS.

I was not very excited about the College because I never want to be in Private college but could not help it, Nobody from family supported for another year of IIT preparation.

About me before College Starting : I was a below average student till class 12th. Because one of my teacher of math supported me so much that I want to be the engineer. Today I want to thank him for his belief he shown in me. Because of him I was able to think that I can do something. I was never a very active person before college. So before class 12th there is nothing much to share.... just a simple boy from a small city. Having nothing to loose but hoping to get the world.

2nd Page : 3-Sep2008

First Day in college : First day in college was a bit interesting one, I went to college before classes start with one of my uncle who lives in Noida. The moment I enter the college there is strike...........yes guys there is strike...........Passout student of that year 2000 were shouting that they have been cheated, they have been promised that they will get a degree of Electronics and Communication and now they are getting degree of Electronics only.......The college was affilated with Rohalkhand Universtiy and at that time these types of issues generally happens. I had also taken addmission in and UPTU was not existed till that time....

And I visited the college, I just saw the ground floor and first floor, only seen some class rooms and 1-2 labs, and my all imagination for a college was gone, i was in shock after seeing this. I had not seen any library, offices are also very less. Seriously speaking the next 15 days I was not able to sleep properly, the picture of the college was coming in my mind and it was very tough to convince myself that I was going to spend my coming 4 years in that place. Never Imagine a college like this............Guys so college life started with seeing the strike and also this type of look of the college...........one positive thing was there, I talked with some seniors and they all were very optimistic, they all were telling this is the good place for engineering, you will enjoy your college life here. They all had belief that this college has a great alumni base and that's is the biggest advantage of this college. Many seniors had pass out and they are in industry so at least you have the advantage that people know about the PCCS in this crowd of engineering college.......but still all these talks were not able to convince me....

2nd Page : 6-Sep2008

I think this starting of the story have made some rememberence of there college starting days to all people who read that, though not more people have read it :) , I have seen the crusity in the people talks about the college, how it will be, how it looks and how people will behave, all these things I also had that time.

As a person I belief in GOD upto the point that HE exists and it is not possible to have such a beautiful world without some natural power and that power we called as GOD... but I beleief in my self more than this, like if someone wannt to do anything than you can do..............but there is one more thing which I can also not deny that there are some point in life which can change your life.........there are a lot of point in the 4 years i got so many turns that might have changed my life............... I will be sharing all those :)

The first point was before joining engineering :) I came for the preparation of IIT and the city I came I did not get admission in any of coaching institute, all those were full, I came with my friend and we were on the street and discussing about to go back , i decided to stay one more day and seriously speaking I did not want to go back , i had a heated discussion with my family before come to preparation and I want to stay so i decided to stay 1 more day before leaving and my frnd went back.......so that day we were on a goal chakkar and that was a turn in the starting , next day i found 1 teacher who decided to teach me alone :) and I stayed back...........

TO be continued............